The Technical Assistance to the Zimbabwe Agricultural Growth Programme (TA ZAGP) seeks to conduct a series of assessments of the five value chains covered by the programme. The objective is to gauge the impact of the interventions on the various stakeholders and enterprises.
The projects implementing the interventions across the five value chains to be assessed are:
ZAGP is also implementing the following support projects:
The bidding institution should have at least 10 years of experience in the livestock value chains, sub-sector analysis, good understanding of private sector and trade policies including market dynamics so as to make the study sufficiently private sector oriented. This should include very good understanding of research, finance and market systems developing and how to apply the approach in assessments and analysis. They should have experience in working with various Government organizations, NGOs, Donors (USAID, DFID, EU, and UN Agencies) and as technical resource persons as well as consultants. Further, they should have experience of working in the livestock value chain of interest in Zimbabwe as well as in designing and executing high quality documentation and knowledge sharing initiatives and products. The service provider should have professional staff and technical experts with knowledge and experience in value chains and other Market Systems Development studies.
Firms that meet the qualifications above should submit technical and financial proposals, guided by the following:
- A narrative/technical proposal (maximum 15 pages excluding annexes).
- CVs of consultant(s) who will work on the assignment.
- At least contacts of two referees who can vouch for the quality of your work.
- A financial proposal indicating all costs associated with the consultancy. Clearly show the cost per activity. Costs should be inclusive of VAT.
- Copies of tax clearance certificates and company registration certificates should also accompany this application.
Further details of the nature of expected submissions are provided in the links below. Service Providers may submit more than one offer.
Completed bids must be sent by e-mail in PDF format to: procurement@zagp.co.zw on or before the Friday 3 December, 2021.
Download the detailed Terms of Reference on the links below: